Monday, April 23, 2012

What`s at the back of your closet?

Your closet can look like this! 

The changing of seasons brings about the perfect time for cleaning out and reorganizing that cramped overstuffed closet that we all have. A closet is probably one of the hardest organizing tasks to tackle, so i`ve summarized my top 5 tips for tackling your closet 

(1) Empty it! 
The first step to organizing your closet is to take everything out. With all this "stuff" create 3 separate piles; the first for the keepers of in season clothing; the second for the keepers but out of season clothing; the third the pieces that have outstayed there time in your closet that your ready to donate. The general rule of closet clearing is to get rid of anything you haven’t worn in a year or two along with any items that don’t fit you any more. 

(2) A wardrobe for all seasons 
The best way to make your closet more functional is to pack up seasonal items into storage bins that you can tuck away into less accessible places until they are needed. One of the most unused spaces in a bedroom is underneath the bed. This can be a great place to store these seasonable items in inexpensive plastic containers made for these unused spaces. 

(3) Group It 
Organize the clothes that you are keeping into categories: work wear, casual wear, formal wear, etc. Then, within each category, group all the tops, pants, skirts and dresses together. The final step to this is to group like colored items together. 

(4) To hang or to fold 
Strategically decide what to hang and what to fold. This is largely a personal decision but can be dependent upon how much space of each you have. If you find you don`t have enough of one or the other the hardware store has some inexpensive solutions to adding another bar or some stacking storage shelves. 

(5) Unify 
What you’re using to organize your closet can be just as important as what’s in it. Stocking up on the same style of hangers helps create a cohesive look and can save space. 

The best tip I can offer is not to get overwhelmed. Once you`ve hauled everything out sometimes it looks like the task maybe more then you can handle, but trust me once it`s finished you`ll be happy you did it! Take it one step at a time. 

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